Stuffed Garbage Pitas

Yep.  You read that right.  Stuffed Garbage Pitas.  No, not actual garbage.  😉

Back in the day when money was tight, groceries were thin, and we needed something “different” to eat, I would take whatever leftovers there were and stuff them in a pita or wrap them in a tortilla.  I had even used plain old ordinary bread — whatever was on hand to eat.  I still make these today!

The variations are endless.  Leftover tacos?  Stuff it.  Leftover pasta and sauce?  Stuff it!  Dribs and drabs (technical terms, of course) of fresh veggies?  Stuff it!  Bits and pieces of leftover lunch meat and cheeses?  Stuff it!  Leftover pot roast and mashed potatoes?  Stuff it!  Leftover “Hamburger Helper”?  Stuff it!

My personal favorite Stuffed Garbage Pita is one that is stuffed with all kinds of stuff from the fridge.  Veggies, meats, cheeses, and my almost famous cream cheese spread!

Stuffed Garbage Pita’s


2 pita pockets, cut in half (you should have 4 pockets)
6 tbsp cream cheese, softened
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
14 tsp onion powder
red bell pepper, chopped fine
green bell pepper, chopped fine
black olives, sliced thin
sweet pickles, sliced thin
dill pickles, sliced thin
sliced ham lunch meat, chopped
sliced roast beef lunch meat, chopped
lettuce, shredded
tomato, sliced thin or chopped
shredded carrots
celery, with tops, chopped
onions, sliced thin
sliced cheese, chopped – whatever you have on hand.  I had American and Cheddar.


  1. In a small bowl, mix together the following: cream cheese, salt, garlic powder, pepper, onion powder, red bell pepper, and green bell pepper.
  2. Let that sit for approximately 1/2 hour for the flavors to meld together.
  3. Spread the cream cheese mixture on each inside of the 4 pita pockets.
  4. Divide and stuff the rest of the ingredients among the pita pockets.
  5. Serve with your favorite cold beverage, leftover potato salad, and some chips.

Serves 2-4 – depending on how hungry ya’ll are!  Haha!

So, tell me…. What kind of “garbage” sandwich, crock pot, casserole meal have you served?  I’d love to hear your ideas and variations! Drop a comment below!

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Picture of Lisa Bonner

Lisa Bonner

LisaB has been creating recipes since she learned to cook waaaaay back in the late 70s/early 80s and has written over 50 recipe books! Her fondest memories are hanging out in the kitchen with her Grampa Eddie, helping him to make his famous Jewish Apple Cake. You can find LisaB on Facebook by using #CheesecakeNation and #CookiesAreLife.

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